Jim wrote: > So what are we going to to to accommodate this obvious need > for training out there? We seem to have the resources and > the people willing to help, but no plan. > > Anyone wanna volunteer a plan? Do you mean: Anyone wanna volunteer ANOTHER plan? I did volunteer a plan, but only one person has gotten aboard. I assumed that people would buy into an organized approach designed to meet their goals, beginning with a systematic collection of data. Oops, there I go thinking like an engineer. Wrong customer base for that, I guess. ;-) Vic ----- Ill-Fated Plan, Obviously Needing Modification ----- If there is a demand for training, then let's make it happen. First we need to guage the demand within the group. Then we'd consider publicity to help fill the courses. For this survey, please e-mail the following address: vodhner+courses@aztec.asu.edu 1. See the subjects below. 2. Pick the top topics that you WOULD ATTEND. 3. Prioritize them and send your "order" to (one more time): vodhner+courses@aztec.asu.edu Include this information: Topic name. (Feel free to suggest new topics.) Priority: 1=top, 2=second choice, etc. How long you'd like each session to be. How many hours of instruction you'd like altogether on this. How likely are you to attend? 0-100% Your name & e-mail address. Best location(s): Major cross-streets in your life, from which you would be travelling to the courses. Optionally, but most important for people with heavy schedules: Your best day of the week, and TIME, for classes. Your second best. Your third best. By Sunday evening, I will produce a report on who wants to attend which courses, etc. Then we can draft teachers and start to schedule! If any strong interest groups appear, we might talk about setting up SIGs or ongoing seminars on those subject areas. I would attend (or give) a class or two weekly, for example. I have expanded Derek's list below, and there are sure to be other subjects. My initials (vo) indicate my offer to teach. I know we could get teachers for the other additions. Expanded list: Developer ------------- Intro SQL. Intro XSLT. Intro Python. Intro PHP. Intro Docbook. Intro GNUe. Intro Linux Administration Installfests Intro Network Administration Makefiles, Autoconf/Config (vo) Advanced C seminar / workshop, mixed levels (vo) Intro Scripting (sh, ksh, Perl) (vo) Kernel mysteries? Drivers? End User ------------- Intro Open Office Intro GNOME desktop Intro Debian GNU/Linux So now we can find out if people out there really want to get "Linux training".