William Lindley wrote: > Really need folks to bring their monitors so we can > set the X refresh rate above 60Hz if possible. Really. I've NEVER had a successful X setup, and will be bringing my machine probably to next month's Stammtisch to try to learn more. And this is with all the info I'm able to dredge up about my monitor. Jim wrote: > ... we can inform the converts that naked access to > the Internet, while much safer with Linux, can still > be dangerous. And any install we do will include a pass through Bastille. RIGHT? Kevin wrote: > A CDROM would be nice. If no CD and no NIC, no install ;-( ... which implies we need to bring along a few spare CD drives and NICs for temporary use, right? George Toft wrote: > Run kppp. ... Fill in the blanks and off you go. > It's not that hard - I never used a dial-up connection > with Linux until last December. It worked the first > time I tried with an Earthlink account. Inficad, on the other hand, required me to create a login script before kppp could make a connection. Hans wrote: > I think I have some spare modems that I could bring > such that we can show people things work even if their > particular modem doesn't work. 56k external modems > are pretty cheap, right? I wonder if we could get a stock of 56k externals from some vendor -- I don't know anything about selling on consignment, tax issues, etc. George wrote: > [Linux] will notwork with AOL, so if you use AOL, > you are getting a new ISP (if you want to use Linux > on the Internet). BIG POINT. Should we mention this in the press release? It won't create any good will for us to be breaking people's AOL access, with them finding out too late! Other notes: Does our announcement mention how much disk space the box needs to have AVAILABLE to load Linux? Will people understand that they have to give up some or all of their Windows space, that Linux can't just be installed "under" Windows? If a user comes in with a Windows box, and is ready to replace Windows with Linux, then we want to go research their networking settings before taking down the box ... even try dialing in with those settings! Some of the machines that come in will have an old BIOS and may need to boot LILO from floppy. Do we need to have a fistful of fresh LILO floppies available? Vic