This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=____1022707694117_E0jLXmjB18 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO8859_1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Someone from the list once gave me a link to a great IP tables howto (I think it was craig). I'm not at my computer and I can't seem to find it at either the linux doc project or in the archives. Does anyone know of a good iptables howto? Also what config file do you have to update to tell RH to insmod ip_tables instead of ipchains? Carl P. ------=____1022707694117_E0jLXmjB18 Content-Type: text/html; name="replyAll" Content-Disposition: inline; filename="replyAll"

Hey Matt !!    Great idea !!  I spoke with you last night after the meeting regarding this very subject.   It would also enable us to possibly bring "Newbies" to the meetings without them becoming overwhelmed with the "Geek-Speak", thus growing the group.  I really like the idea of possibly a "new users" session before the main topic.  That way some of us can brush up on the fundamentals which could also make the general session more interesting on a personal level.  Keep up the good work.  I'll support you / the group however I can.


Jeff James

>From: Matt Alexander
>Subject: PLUG presentations/training
>Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 23:10:24 -0700 (PDT)
>After talking with several people tonight, it occured to me how important
>it is for this group to provide training to its members. I'd be willing
>to take the initiative and start teaching classes on a variety of Linux
>topics. For example, I could easily give introductory sessions on the
>following topics:
>Linux user fundamentals
>Setting up an Apache webserver
>Setting up a DNS server
>Setting up a Samba file/print server
>System monitoring with Big Brother
>I'm sure there are many other topics I could handle as well, but this
>could be a start. Maybe we could even have a "fundamentals" session
>before every regular meeting, that way new users would know that they
>could come to any PLUG meeting and learn the basics, and then stay for the
>main topic afterwards if they're interested.
>I know there's a lot of interest in Linux out there, but it can be pretty
>overwhelming at first to a new user, particularly if they've never been
>exposed to *nix before.
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