I have a Dell Optiplex GX150 which I've added a second drive to.  It now has one 10GB drive (Primary Partition) and one 20GB drive (split in two using Partition Magic).  I have three Distro's I would like to have loaded onto this unit and would like to use a multi-boot option such as LILO or GRUB.  I have RedHat 7.3, SuSE 8.0, and Mandrake 7.1.  The drives are already DOS partitioned using Partition Magic.  Would there be any problems with bring this machine to the Install-Fest and having someone set it up properly with all three Distro's ?



>From: Jim
>Reply-To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
>To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
>Subject: Install Fest Status Report
>Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 09:00:30 -0700
>Hash: SHA1
>Web Site
>We have a preliminary web site for information about the Install Fest. It is
>located at http://www.plugpresents.com/installfest. The web site contains a
>preliminary press release, a page of questions and answers, and a page
>listing the sponsors and supporters.
>Press Release
>We have a preliminary press release (as seen on the installfest web site) and
>have seen lots of suggestions for changes. Still awaiting a final product.
>Still waiting to see a flyer and/or brochure.
>We have support from AZOTO, SCC (via providing the site), Red Had (thanks to
>Curtis), Yellow Dog Linux, S.u.S.E., and Turbolinux SO FAR.
>Did I miss anything?
>Anyone have more ideas, suggestions, comments, questions, criticisms?
>- --
>Freedom is worth protecting
>Version: PGP 6.5.8
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>PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us

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