A couple of comments on the flyer. I think of advertising in terms of how it would work as a billboard along the freeway. While driving I've got about 3 seconds to take in the message, if the ad doesn't present the key points in that length of time it fails for me. The old advertising adage "Don't write, telegraph!" applies. With that in mind, I'd make the following changes. 1. Use a simpler, bold type face for the headline (Helvetica always works). It will increase the readability and credibility of the ad. 2. Think about replacing GNU/Linux with Linux in the headline to increase readability. People have hear of Linux, but will be confused by GNU/. We can educate them later. 3. Follow the headline with when and where the event is taking place. If all a person remembers from glancing at the flyer is Linux - June 22nd - SCC. The flyer will have done it's job. If there is room put the campus map at the bottom with the Student Center marked. 4. Think about making the graphics smaller than the headline. Seeing the gnu and penguin first, most people will think "animal event" not "computer event" 5. Place a phone number in large bold type at the bottom that people can call for more info. They will jot it down. 6. I think there needs to be more emphasis on the fact that the event is free. Replace "Free and Open to All" with something like "Free Linux Installation Help" This will tell people what the event is about and that there is no charge . Use the word "free" prominently elsewhere in the ad. We can educate them about Free later. 7. Look at the overall wording of the ad and think "Don't write, telegraph!" Rewrite as needed. Dennis Kibbe