The point of this rant was, if Linux people want Linux to be common place and to be a "viable" alternative for the AVERAGE user, it needs to be made as easy to use as MS products. At this time, it is not. Telling the average user that if they don't like something, they should program it themselves the way they want is stupid. MS doesn't expect the average user to be a programmer and if Linux proponents want to see Linux on every desktop, they will not be able to demand that either. It isn't a "spoiled mentality of the Microsoft user", it is the reality that 99% of the computer users ARE NOT PROGRAMMERS and do not want to be. Computers are a tool they want to use to make their lives and jobs easier. Having to be a programmer to use one (which is the current state of affairs for Linux for the most part) will only drive them to systems that do not require them to expend large amounts of time and energy to learn programming. -----Original Message----- From: Craig White [] Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 10:04 PM To: Subject: Re: Security Rant (was Re: ipchains issue (Re: Webmin via Apache)) On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 21:32, wrote: > > I should know about firewall configuration. I now have a reason to learn. > =^) > > > However, as we propel Linux forward, we need to help develop tools that don't > require the user to know how or even why he needs a firewall. The average Joe > just wants to know that his computer is secure because he picked the secure > option on his install. And, if he needs to close a port or open a port, he > doesn't want to learn ipchains rule syntax or even port numbers, he wants to > select an option and be on his merry way. Not an easy task but this is the > mindset that company in Redmond has created and our society expects. > > If we want Linux on every desktop, it has to be made that easy. > > ----- I thoroughly disagree with this rant. This has nothing whatsoever to do with Microsoft or Microsoft mindset. In fact, your attitude represents the spoiled mentality of the Microsoft user. This is open source software - when you see a need, you should offer your time and energies to fill it - don't be content to curse the darkness, light a candle. Redhat offers a simple minded 3 level firewall choice on install, all using ipchains which is only offered on the 2.4 kernels for backwards compatibility. You are probably wasting your time trying to learn ipchains at this point. Netfilter/iptables is the native firewall module for 2.4 kernels. If you want to learn something that is applicable, that is what you should learn. If you want simple minded firewall configuration utility, may I suggest firestarter. Craig ________________________________________________ See if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail. PLUG-discuss mailing list -