> > > ok, i will use YaST like a good lizard. :~D Good Lizards dont use non free software. ;) > > > looking at the choices i had, SuSE was the only Distro i could find that > > > had a newer kernel written for the sparc64. all the others lagged behind! > > > so after spending time with it at work, i am thinking about nuking RH7.1 > > > and installing the new SuSE on my workstation @home. I guess Debian isn't a distro? http://www.debian.org/releases/unstable/sparc/install or 2.4 isnt a new kernel? http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/debian/pool/main/k/kernel-image-sparc-2.4/ > > I fond SuSE is a much more responsive company than Red Hat, so I would, > > but it is up to you. > > > > I say they are more responsive as I suggested they add mplayer to their > > distro, and about a month later, I got a note from them saying they > > would. I am not sure what makes you think Red Hat is not responsive? Believe me I have no love for Red Hat the distribution, but in writing free software, often times complex C debugging questions have been answered directly by Owen Taylor or Havoc Pennington for directly in IRC or via email with almost no latency. To me this is MUCH more valuable communication (ability to talk to developers not sales drones). Further more David Mason the RHAD Labs director on many occassions has answered Docbook questions with near no delay. Even their sales drones have been rather response if to my email requests. Maybe I have just been lucky? -Derek