>Ok why don't we try something new...... *Lets just >say in the end* (keep in mind this is a gigantic IF) >if Bill Gates overcomes unix and gets a way to >legally monopolize everything. err monopolies are illegal dude. I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure you can't have a legal monopoly. >Ok why not get used to the idea now. At least be bi->lingual so to speak. Know windows and unix. What's there to know about Windows? Point here. Click there. It's like watching TV only it requires less thinking. At least with the remote control you have to push the right buttons to get the channel you want. With Windows you can left-click your way to a stupor. >So what if its illegal to reverse engineering. WHO >CARES! It's like piracy So when little johnny takes apart his radio in the hopes that he can find out how it works a man in a black suit should come by and say, "Sorry little Johnny what you have done is very bad and you will be going away for along time now"? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial - First Month Free http://sbc.yahoo.com