Personally, I think that everyone here is a little paranoid. They have (being the Govts.) gotten maybie about .01% of the hackers world wide. There are more than enough of them to fuel the fight. Hackers are like scum like terrorists. Except hackers can be good. There will be always a next one to take someones place, there will always be one more willing to try it. The problem is that Padillum thing.... There will be a way around it. It just takes time for people to look at it. Once its out in the open there will be a way to crack the Fritz keys or get a dup of a masterkey. They will create programs that will interface with the Fritz. They have to make programs that do that or else the people who like the Fritz Chip wont be able to edit any of their keys or make changes. That would piss off the Fritz Friendly people. The way I look at it is if it can be made once it can most certainly be duplicated. I already see a possible solution. Get the software that edits the Fritz Chip, turn off the fritz chip and then you are left with an os (like unix) that will run the software and you can edit the Fritz keys right there. Then boot up the system with the Fritz Chip activated (with the new keys). There then you have the certification of the fritz chip to do what ever you damn well please, the only problem I see with this is that anything you write won't be certified and no one will be able to use it unless they also have a modified Fritz chip. So you can't set up an ftp server or something of the cause. The only thing I can see for this is use the programs that are fritz certified write your word document then send it then use the edited fritz state for copying your mp3's adding new hardware or using software that isn't supported by the Fritz chip. All it takes is for someone to do a little bit (well maybie a shitload) of work to get the software to edit the Fritz chip. As for java, are you people that scared about cookies and what not. If your behind at least somekind of firewall (i.e. router or proxy) then you don't really have to worry about either hackers or viruses. The truth is that if Hackers have to do maybie a little bit of work to get into an average users system then its not worth it. It's like this you go to a grocery store and lock your car door. Why? if someone really wanted into your car they would get in and take it, but the truth is if you make it a little harder than just walking away with your ford pinto, they probably wont give a damn because it isn't worth the trouble. The truth of the matter is Hackers or Viruses can get into your system no matter how careful you are or how many things such as file + printer sharing or cookies you disable. So if you are still paranoid about a java applet then what about a server based HTML forum. I would be willing to help anyone that would like to joint program with me. If we could get at least 2-3 people programming this it could be done in a month. If you were extremely lazy you could just look for the code for it on the Internet, I am sure its out there.
In conclusion to my extremley long post that probably not even a tenth of a percentage of the people on this discussion group will read or even care about my main point here is that maybie there is a better way at doing this whole disscussion group thing. With either a java applet or a HTML based forum. If anyone has any better ideas please inform me of them.