-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 FYI, compliments of Marsee, out O'Reilly coordinator - ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Newsletter from the O'Reilly UG Program, July 19 Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 18:04:19 -0700 (PDT) From: Marsee Henon To: farli@unitywave.com O'Reilly User Group Program NEWSLETTER July 19, 2002 SPREAD THE WORD TO YOUR MEMBERS... HIGHLIGHTS THIS WEEK: BOOK NEWS - -Python Cookbook - -Office X for Macintosh: The Missing Manual - -Learning Java, 2nd Edition - -Practical VoIP Using Vocal CONFERENCE NEWS - -Single day passes are now available at OSCON - -O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference Registration is Open - -Put up a Conference Banner--Get a Free Book NEWS - -User Groups Can Be Job Springboards - -What's New With Regular Expressions - -Efficient String Manipulations With Stringbuilder - -An Angel for Open Source - -Lisa Nyman Discusses Open Source In Government - -Linux In Government - -Ten MySQL Best Practices - -ColdFusion MX On Mac OS X, Part 2 - -2002 MDJ Power 25 - -3-D Data Visualization On Mac OS X - -The Aqua Designer's Toolbox ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM YOUR PEERS - -The Summer Slam: Java meets .NET ================================================ BOOK NEWS ================================================ REVIEW COPIES ARE AVAILABLE, email me for a copy. If you need your books by a certain date, please allow at least three weeks for shipping. Please send me copies of your newsletters. Don't forget, your members get 20% off any O'Reilly book they purchase direct from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering. Press releases are available on our press page: http://press.oreilly.com/ PYTHON COOKBOOK Order Number: 1673 This book is a collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for Python programmers, written by Python programmers. It contains over two hundred recipes for text manipulation, object oriented programming, XML processing, system administration, and much more. This book is a treasure trove of useful code for both novices and advanced practitioners, with contributions from such Python luminaries as Guido Van Rossum, Tim Peters, Paul Prescod, and Mark Hammond. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pythoncook/ Chapter 1, "Python Shortcuts," is available online: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pythoncook/chapter/index.html OFFICE X FOR MACINTOSH: THE MISSING MANUAL Order Number: 3323 The four programs of Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Entourage have been completely overhauled for Mac OS X. "Office X for Macintosh: The Missing Manual" tackles each with depth, clarity, and humor. This essential guide was written by a dream team of Macintosh experts: Tonya Engst, co-editor of the popular TidBITS Macintosh newsletter; David Reynolds, former executive editor of "MacAddict" (now working at Apple); and Nan Barber, "Macworld" contributor and coauthor of "Office 2001 for Macintosh: The Missing Manual." http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/offxtmm/ Chapter 2, "Editing in Word," is available online: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/offxtmm/chapter/index.html LEARNING JAVA, 2ND EDITION Order Number: 2858 This book has been expanded and updated for Java 2 Standard Edition SDK 1.4. It comprehensively addresses important topics such as web applications, servlets, and XML that are increasingly driving enterprise applications. This edition provides full coverage of all Java 1.4 language features including assertions and exception chaining as well as new APIs such as regular expressions and NIO, the new I/O package. New Swing features and components are described along with updated coverage of the JavaBeans component architecture using the open source NetBeans IDE the latest information about Applets and the Java Plug-in for all major web browsers. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/learnjava2/ Chapter 23, "XML," is available online: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/learnjava2/chapter/ch23.html PRACTICAL VOIP USING VOCAL Order Number: 0782 While many books describe the theory behind Voice over IP, only this one describes how such a phone system was actually built, and how you too can acquire the source code, install it onto a system, connect phones, and make calls. Because VOCAL is open source, you can look "under the hood" to discover how the system works and how common problems are being worked out in the development environment. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/voip/ Chapter 7, "Session Initiation Protocol and Related Protocols" is available online: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/voip/chapter/index.html ================================================ CONFERENCE NEWS ================================================ SINGLE DAY PASSES ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR $400 AT THE O'REILLY OPEN SOURCE CONVENTION--JULY 24, 25, OR 26. The walk-in fee will be waived. To register: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/os2002/create/ord_os02 O'Reilly Open Source Convention Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina July 22-26, 2002--San Diego, CA Check out the speakers, key notes, sessions, and other events: http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/ O'REILLY MAC OS X CONFERENCE REGISTRATION IS OPEN Registration is open for the first-ever O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference. Designed to foster discovery and community between Mac OS X users and groups just coming aboard this state-of-the-art operating system, the conference takes place at the Westin Santa Clara in Santa Clara, CA from September 30 to October 3, 2002 http://conferences.oreilly.com/macosxcon/ EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT User Group members who register before August 9, 2002 get a double discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and you'll get 20% off the "Early Bird" price. http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/macosx2002/create/ord_mac02 PUT UP A CONFERENCE BANNER, GET A FREE BOOK We are looking for user groups to display our conference banners on their web sites. If you send me the link to your user group site with our O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference banner, I will send you the O'Reilly book of your choice. Mac OS X Conference Banners: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/pub/w/19/banner_ads.html ================================================ NEWS FROM O'REILLY & BEYOND ================================================ - ------------------------------- GENERAL NEWS - ------------------------------- USER GROUPS CAN BE JOB SPRINGBOARDS Joining a user group is a good way to network, gain expertise. This article was originally ran in "The Dallas Morning News" on May 12, 2002. http://classifieds.dallasnews.com/employment/it/t1usersgroup_12emp.ART.fa52.h tml WHAT'S NEW WITH REGULAR EXPRESSIONS When it came time to update "Mastering Regular Expressions," Jeffrey Friedl was shocked to find out how much had really changed. This article touches on some of the high-level changes between the first and second edition of the book. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2002/07/15/regexp.html - --------------------- .NET - --------------------- EFFICIENT STRING MANIPULATIONS WITH STRINGBUILDER In .NET programming, string manipulation with the String class is problematic, but there is an alternative--the StringBuilder class. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2002/07/15/string.html Budi Kurniawan is coauthor of "VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell." Order Number: 2572 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/vbdotnetcore/ - --------------------- OPEN SOURCE - --------------------- AN ANGEL FOR OPEN SOURCE Richard Koman talks to Pam Samuelson, a U.C. Berkeley law professor, about the new high-tech clinic she co-founded to assist open source developers with legal and legislative assistance. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2002/07/22/pam.html LISA NYMAN DISCUSSES OPEN SOURCE IN GOVERNMENT Sam Williams interviews Lisa Nyman, co-creator of QuickFacts, a Web service that uses Perl, Apache, and MySQL to enable visitors to track down national census data using a single pull-down menu. http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2002/07/15/nyman_interview.html LINUX IN GOVERNMENT Sam Williams looks at the impact of open source software in government--both inside and outside the U.S. http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2002/07/16/linux_in_govt.html For more on this timely topic, don't miss the "Open Source in Government Panel" at this month's OSCON: http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2002/07/16/linux_in_govt.html TEN MYSQL BEST PRACTICES Help for the security, maintenance, and performance of a MySQL installation. http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2002/07/11/MySQLtips.html - ------------------------------- WEB DEVELOPMENT - ------------------------------- COLDFUSION MX ON MAC OS X, PART 2 In Part 2 of this series, Dick Applebaum digs deeper into ColdFusion MX. First he shows you a simple example of ColdFusion code. Then he outlines ColdFusion's role in various web scenarios. The article concludes with a step-by-step preparation list for Part 3 that covers the actual installation on Mac OS X. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/javascript/2002/07/03/coldfusion_two.html - --------------------- MAC - --------------------- 2002 MDJ POWER 25 Tim O'Reilly, David Pogue, Adam Engst, and Sal Soghoian are among this year's Mac-industry notables making the MDJ Power 25 list. http://www.macjournals.com/pages/gcsf/mdj_power_25_2002.html All four will speak at September's O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference. http://conferences.oreilly.com/macosxcon/ 3-D DATA VISUALIZATION ON MAC OS X Visualization is the process of transforming and mapping data into graphic primitives. In this tutorial Michael Norton shows you how to use VTK and Tcl to create 3-D data visualization on Mac OS X. http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2002/06/28/data_visualization.html THE AQUA DESIGNER'S TOOLBOX Carpenters, engineers, baristas--they all have their favorite tools. Graphic designers are no different. Whether you're new to the Mac platform, or interested in expanding your toolset, here's an overview of select design tools for Mac OS X. http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2002/07/16/aqua_design.html ================================================ ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM YOUR PEERS ================================================ Pittsburgh, PA-- THE SUMMER SLAM: JAVA MEETS .NET You may be a devout Java programmer or you may be committed to Microsoft's .NET framework or you may be an XMLer caught in the middle. Why can't we all just get along? For this one day in August we can. This year we've decided to combine the PittJUG and PGHDOTNET Summer Socials. All Java, .NET, and XML enthusiasts are welcome. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about the benefits and challenges of each technology through informal conversations with your peers. One thing is guaranteed...there will be lively conversation and cool refreshments. Join us at Fatheads on the SouthSide. The party starts 4pm on August 22nd and lasts until you leave. To register contact Sadiq at 412-918-4229 or emailto: sdurham@pghtech.org. Until next time, Marsee - ------------------------------------------------------- - -- Jim Freedom is worth protecting -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 6.5.8 iQA/AwUBPTi4oysk3ywszI1FEQK0oQCg9n089EBY2ppypCoDLIIDYeCy1AUAniOh WKpKQz7eVl0zxtNly4OWPm2v =cHhA -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----