On Sun, 21 Jul 2002, der.hans wrote: > I think the particular piece Bob was posting would've been best disbursed > via text and then formatted for printing when it was ready to go. Others > don't necessarily do things the same way I do. My way isn't necessarily the > best way. Yes, I should have done it this way, my apologies. > Maybe we can get some of our XML gurus to explain how we can use XML to > use open, free standards for documents. You can run XML through an Apache processor (FOP?) and get .pdf. We could also use troff or TeX. That said, for one-off documents, I find WYSIWIG to be much easier. I see professional layout systems like FOP, troff and TeX as being best for long pieces (books) or high-repetition stuff (reports generated from a database). WYSIWIG is easier for me when I'm firing from the hip, and on a deadline for printer ready material. > Whatever we want to encourage needs to work for on line use as well as dead > tree format. I'd love to be rid of dead tree format, though. Flexible, portable, cheap, high-contrast digital paper is still a ways off. On-screen is great for geeks like us, who virtually always have a computer two feet in front of our noses. Not really practical for the general public yet.