On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 18:42, bob smith wrote: > Hmm I just updated my FreeBSD ports tree. KDE3, > Gnome2, MPlayer, Openoffice.org 1.0.1...yeah it's all > there >:). It's also provided "AS IS", in other words, FreeBSD does nothing but provide the port entry, and the dependencies, in 90% of the ports. With Debian the package maintainers are constantly improving and patching the software to make it work not only _better_ but also on 11 different architectures. As well as sending their improvements to the upstream maintainers. There's a hell of a lot more involved in Debian than just saying "Well, it's in there." -- Blake Barnett (bdb) Sr. Unix Administrator DevelopOnline.com office: 480-377-6816 Learning is a skill, you get better at it with practice.