As well as the answers Derek gave you there are other reasons. Debian is the foundation for _ALL_ porting for XFree86. XFree86 is only guaranteed to work on X86, Debian makes it work on 11 different architectures, stop and think about that for a minute... The amount of patching and fixes that go into X on Debian is quite extensive, it requires a LOT of regression testing and co testing. In the case of KDE, it depends on X, that is the only reason it's not in unstable right now. To get the in-your-face scoop try debian's X strike force page: Very good explanation of this subject: Just a warning... Branden Robinson (the Debian X maintainer) gets a lot of crap about the X packages, and hence he throws it back in everyone's face (rightly so IMHO) on his page, don't visit the site if you're easily offended.. :) On Sat, 2002-07-20 at 07:17, Voltage Spike wrote: > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > On Saturday 20 July 2002 12:21 am, Derek Neighbors wrote: > > All you have to do is ask... > > > > For those that donet know you can get XFree86 4.2, Flash, Open Office and > > many other things as Debian packages. > > > > > > Thanks. I am quite thrilled that I never deleted my Debian partition so I > will try this out later today. Is there any reason that these packages are > not thrown into the unstable branch? > > I had searched through questions asking for KDE3 .deb files in Usenet, but > none of the answers suggested the above site. Is this just a little know > secret? > > - -- > Voltage Spike > ,,, > (. .) > - --ooO-(_)-Ooo-- > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) > Comment: For info see > > iD8DBQE9OXEOpNoctRtUIRQRAi1uAJ9JlUAP33d5SK+41xBhQC80ueOmHQCeNXjF > YSJe7uf+YMgB6ozkeMdtrUg= > =mcOa > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > > ________________________________________________ > See if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail. > > PLUG-discuss mailing list - > -- Blake Barnett (bdb) Sr. Unix Administrator office: 480-377-6816 Learning is a skill, you get better at it with practice.