Try booting to run level 1. Run level 1 will only start the stuff you absolutely need to "recover" the system. To get to run level 1 if using Lilo: At the Lilo prompt, type: linux 1 You should eventually end up at a # prompt If using grub: on the line that says: kernel /boot..., put a 1 at the very end of that line all by itself and then hit 'b' to boot. Like lilo, you should eventually end up at a # prompt. Once there, type: df and check all your mount points (I am assuming you have more than just / ). Based on your description, sounds like your /home or /tmp is full (again, assuming these are actual mount points and not directories). Delete some unneeded files from these mount points (or directories) and do a df again - see if you have dropped below 100% usage. If not, repeat until you do. Once you are below 100%, you should be good to go. Of course you could delete more unneeded files, but thats up to you at that point. scott On Thu, 25 Jul 2002, Michelle Lowman wrote: > I made it home from the expo and started my machine up, and everything was > fine for a while. Then I couldn't get my email because it said the disk was > full. I deleted some big files from my home directory (tiffs and eps files > that I didn't really need), emptied trash, and ran df -h. It still said I > was using 100% of my disk space. So, being the recovering Windows junkie > that I am, I tried to reboot. Big mistake. > > Now it starts OK, goes through all the init stuff (in runlevel 5), gets to > the point where kdm should start up (it doesn't), and restarts in runlevel > 3. It doesn't get much past that; it locks up when starting webmin. > > I tried putting in the boot floppy I made during installation, and got a > kernel panic. > > I thought I'd ask for help before I do anything else to screw things up. > > Thanks in advance! > > -Michelle > > > Michelle Lowman > > > > "If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the > universe." > - Carl Sagan > >