--0-272204712-1028833157=:21568 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I am a new convert to the Linux "church". I 've been exposed only a month now as a student at the University of Advancing Computer Technology, but have already developed a desire to continue a lifelong relationship with the operating system. I'm currently converting one of my computers at home to Linux so I can practice. I may be on from time to time requesting guidance from the group on certain issues. I would like to attend a meeting sometime as well. Thank you for providing a place to come for answers. -Tuxgroupie --------------------------------- Do You Yahoo!? HotJobs, a Yahoo! service - Search Thousands of New Jobs --0-272204712-1028833157=:21568 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
I am a new convert to the Linux "church". I 've been exposed only a month now as a student at the University of Advancing Computer Technology, but have already developed a desire to continue a lifelong relationship with the operating system. I'm currently converting one of my computers at home to Linux so I can practice. I may be on from time to time requesting guidance from the group on certain issues. I would like to attend a meeting sometime as well. Thank you for providing a place to come for answers.