Am 22. Aug, 2002 schwätzte bob smith so: > Heh are you sure that isn't a picture of the front? > It's probably too late now but does anyone else think > that the shirt would appear to be on backwards with > as > the front? On the back it's covered by our hair. Only a few of us have beards long enough to cover it on the front :). Maybe big logo on the back and pocket logo on the front. Jim's suggestion about a slogan isn't bad. I just doubt we could all agree on one... "Protecting your freedoms with Free Software" "Free Software for a Free Society" "Let Freedom Ring, Zork and Pop" <- come up with better video game noises "Where Freedom Matters" "Free at last!" and finally: "PLUG, where 'moin, moin' means 'Hi! My name is Hans.'" ciao, der.hans -- # # Like the maid, I don't do (M$)Windows. - der.hans