well, I am the proud owner of a Cannon Powershot A40. I was going to get the Nikon 2500, but the Cannon is a bit more rugged, and it also has audio for the quicktime movies. \ I must say this was a no brainer to get to work (the flash reader). I did get a USB flash card reader; my 1st usb device. I had tried to get USB to work in the 2.2.x kernels, but never had any luck. I just grabbed the latest at kernel.org (2.4.19), recompiled my kernel, and poof I'm up & running. It did take a bit for me to figure out what device it was attached to (/dev/sda1), but once I found that, and remembered someone reminded me that it was a msdos fs, The Gimp had no problem pulling these up. I did find it interesting that I was able to mount the actual reader itself (mount -t usbfs /dev/sda /mnt/flash). One last question, although I haven't got to the movie portion of this yet, but will I be able to play the Quicktime movies on Linux? Thanks again for everyone's suggestions.......... v/r Mike