Hello bob On 30-Aug-02, you wrote: >bs Hans, >bs What time do you think the class will start? I'm >bs guessing about the same time that my engineering >bs analysis tools and techniques class starts :(. >bs >bs --- "der.hans" wrote: >bs> moin, moin, >bs> >bs> our first GNU/Linux for Newbies class is this Wed! Could someone give the date (makes it easier), the time and place? Specifics please as I am new to this group and probably am not familiar with the area it is to be held in. Bpought a Fry's Linux Special ($499) - 1.8 Ghz Pentium IV - with 128meg memory - added 1 GIG of memory and a 60 GIG IBM 7200 2 meg cache to it. 100 GIGS of HD space - 1 GIG of ram - I should be able to do something with this. Waiitng for Mandrake 8.2 to be shipped to me on the 3 CD's. Currently have an Amiga A4000 060/50 with 203 Power PC chip and approx 128 megs of ram. Thanks. Regards -- Rich Woods RealPix/RealtyNet P.O. Box 54335 Phoenix, AZ 85078 602-867-3310 rww@realpix.com Visit Our Award Winning Site! http://www.realpix.com No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. -- Abraham Lincoln