A second domino falls, apparently before the first. Note that Dr. Edgar David Villanueva Nuņez is in Peru, not Venezuela. I didn't even hear about the Venezuela thing before. Over in Peru, apparently Dr. Villanueva's bill, and an alternative bill that he has also signed, are in committee and are making progress. I continue to wonder what the big proprietary software companies will be doing in ten years. I'm trusting that they will find (or in many cases, *continue* to find) constructive ways to work alongside open source and Free software. Vic Dr. Edgar David Villanueva Nuņez > Full story here: > > http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2002-08-30-011-26-NW-LL-PB > > An Interview with Peruvian Congressman Villanueva is here: > > http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2002-05-20-006-26-IN-LF-PB