On 8 Sep 2002, Chris Feltner wrote: > I hope that somebody can help me out. Today I installed Quake 3 on my > box; however, after I execute the program and try to play it, my courser > goes so slow over the GUI. (Keep in mind that this doesn't happen over > the regular desktop settings or in AbiWord, etc. Although this does > happen when I try to play Tux Racer.) > > I have a Pentium II @ 400 Mhz,the minimum requirements for the game is > 233 Mhz. My video card is a S3 Savage4, at 32MB. I have 256MB of RAM and > the minimum requirements are 64MB. I am running Red Hat 7.3, and I am > assuming that Glibc 2.0 or greater came with the distro. (can anyone > explain to me what Glibc 2.0 is? I am not sure what this is.) > > I do not understand why this game is going so slow! Can anyone help me > out? > There are a couple things you can check to see if you got the "X" features turned on to play this game. One of them is DRI or direct rendering. Other is XVideo. Run "glxinfo" and look at the first few lines for "direct rendering: Yes". Another command is xdpyinfo and look for XVideo in the output. I think the glxinfo command will definally tell ya if you can run games like Q3A. I do have Q3A installed on my game box here and it runs just great on my NVidia card. If you could, get a NVidia video card as their drivers and instructions makes it very easy to get games like Q3A going. Now...as for getting that S3 card going, about the only thing I can sugguest is to hit www.google.com and see if someone has gotten it to run with Q3A or other games like that.