This is a linux mail list - you use Microsoft mail client on Windows at your own peril. When I started on this list, I was using Windows for my desktop applications - especially email. One thing is absolutely certain...once I committed to using linux exclusively...learning to live with it when I could just double hit the control key on my keyboard and switch into Windows, that is when I began learning linux, even though I have had servers running it for years. Since I had my mail server and my procmail scripts already in place, a mail client only need to be reasonably adept at handling an imap account. I therefore use Evolution on linux, Outlook 2000 on my Windows computer, Eudora on my Macintosh OSX machine and IMP when I am out of my home/office and they all function pretty much the same. You are placing entirely too much emphasis on a specific mail client application - I understand, I've been there myself. Where do you get your 90% figure - it can't be close to accurate even if they give it away for free on their march towards total domination. As for David calling Outlook Express broken - it is broken if you consider the way it handles the signing. There is a standard and apparently Microsoft chooses not to implement it correctly. That isn't exactly user friendly. Craig On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 05:48, Tom Achtenberg wrote: > This still does not explain why you feel the need to sigh the message in the > first place. As for my client, yes I am on a Windows machine and using > Outlook Express 6. I have not found a stable Linux client that is as good > or user friendly and that includes Evolution. When over 90% of the users > use a client that works in a certain way, that is the norm and I would not > call it "broken" because it does not perform a needless function a certain > way. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "David Mandala" > To: > Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 9:29 PM > Subject: Re: Free Software for m$ > > > I am guessing your email client is broken, I'll bet if you were to sign > something it would not put the mime type in the email properly. There > are several email clients that suffer from this. > > Myself I use Evolution which correctly shows the message and does not > require me to open an attachment. Are you using a windows machine? With > a Microsoft client I'm sure, many of those are known to be flawed. > Perhaps you might want to get a better more correct client. > > Cheers, > > Davidm > > On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 21:08, Tom Achtenberg wrote: > > I see many other signed messages without having to open attachments. His > > get deleted unread because of it. > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: "David Mandala" > > To: > > Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 6:00 AM > > Subject: Re: Free Software for m$ > > > > > > That is because he is signing them. That is the correct way a signed > > email should look. > > > > On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 05:26, Tom Achtenberg wrote: > > > Derek, your posts are coming through as text attachments to a blank > > message. > > > You might want to fix that. > > >