I just accessed it using Mozilla with only one minor problem and that has to do with me not having java installed. Talie On 11 Oct 2002, Michelle Lowman wrote: > Can anyone confirm that www.alltel.com is inaccessible from Netscape, > Mozilla, and Galeon? When I try it, it locks up Netscape while loading > the page, and it immediately crashs Mozilla and Galeon. > > I can see from the half-loaded page on Netscape that it is "best viewed > with Internet Explorer 5.5," but I guess that really means ONLY viewable > with IE5.5. > > I just spend 20 minutes on the phone with Alltel telling them that I > shouldn't have to purchase a new operating system just to use Alltel's > online banking services when I'm already paying for an Alltel account. > > First they tried to tell me it was my ISP's fault; then, after I was on > hold for 10 minutes, they said it was my fault because I'm using > Netscape 4.78 (if you can get it to work in a newer version, please let > me know!); then they put me on hold for another 15 minutes, came back > and told me I could fill out an online comment form. Hmmmmmmmm . . . > something wrong with that . . . > > Then the guy said he was filling out on online comment for me (how > nice), and I should get a response back in a few days. I'll keep you > posted. > > > > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us > To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: > http://lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us/mailman/listinfo/plug-discuss > -- -- Taliesin MacAran Visit my website at http://kd7eth.net Heisenberg may have slept here. Actually, we have scientifically determined that Heisenberg did indeed sleep here, but we have no idea how fast asleep he was. Beware of what you speak, for indeed the words we speak make shadows of what is to come, and by speaking them we bring them to pass. -- Taliesin, The Merlin of Britain