On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 07:02:15PM -0700, Michael Havens wrote: At last! A ray of light in my clouded mind! Mike: One of the things I did when first learning *nix was periodically sit down with my favorite beverage and read man pages. Some I read from top to bottom, others, I just read the description and bailed onto the next. If you find yourself adventurous, do something like: cd /bin; ls man cd /sbin; ls man cd /usr/bin; ls man cd /usr/sbin; ls man That kept me occupied for quite some time, and I learned quite a bit. Also, there may be some docs on your system. Try: cd /usr/doc; ls cd Most of these files are just plain ASCI text, so you can just: less or zless (for gzip'd doc files) Hopefully this info should help you out a bit. v/r -Mike