> Message: 3 > Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 17:31:26 -0700 (MST) > From: "der.hans" > To: quatsch > Subject: ETIQUETTE: READ THIS > Reply-To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us > Please take a deep breath, count to pi and continue the discussion > with a clear head. hmmm, having just finished taking a calc mid term I have to wonder, can one actually count to pi? It is a transcendental number after all like e. Or did you mean count to pi by integer only? ok, ok, maybe it was a bad joke... while I am at it does anyone know of a decent mail client for X? I have been using sylpheed but their bleeding edge is getting really bad, in the last few releases they have managed to break many things that worked nicely before. other mail clients I have tried are: X-mail, KDE-mail, and mc-mail (I think that is what it was but I don't remember) The only other thing I can think to specify is that I don't use RPM. Or am I stuck with pining my time away until I get the chance to look at sylpheed and fix what is broken? Craig S.