Carl> Have you tried the Mozilla Chat tool? the Carl> version in Netscape works great with ICQ, Sure, I've used Mozilla Chat for IRC, but I need ICQ. I need something where my boss can type in "Hey!" (which he's inclined to do) and it will jump up in my face while I'm working. Netscape? The version I have on the system, which I just loaded for the first time in at least a year, is 4.78. I don't think I'm inclined to download another whole bloated and disfunctional browser program just to get an IRQ client. (Which may or may not work.) I'm a huge fan of Mozilla, but I use it only for browsing. I have only passing interest in its supplementary features. I certainly don't use it for email or Web development. But it's the best browser I've ever used. Thanks. -- Lynn David Newton Phoenix, AZ