The file ~/.vnc/xstartup contains commands that are executed once Xnvc. I believe the default is to start an xterm and run twm. The other machine must be querying for XDM hosts. The way I do this is on the command line to vncserver: vncserver -depth 8 -geometry 1400x1050 -query machiavelli and then I comment out everything in the .vnc/xstartup file. -Gordon On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 01:06, DarthLinux wrote: > interesting- i'm running VNC on 2 different boxes.. > one rh7.1 the other rh7.3 > but the default is different.. > 7.1 seems stripped down - geared for dealing with dial up bandwidth, > while 7.3 is more like an actual login and x session with sawfish.. > my question: > how do i switch back and forth, should i want to..? > > Darthlinux > > Knowledge is a powerful tool to those who understand how to use it- > but it is an awesome destructive force for those who only think they > do... > > --------------------------------------------------- > PLUG-discuss mailing list - > To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: > > -- Gordon Chamberlin Software Architect Visualize, Inc. (602) 861-0999 ext. 14