/_Mike, what kind of printer? More info is always helpful. If the /_printer speaks TCP/IP you may well be able to just print to it directly /_using lpr*. The printers at work are various flavors of HP laser - they /_talk IPX to Netware servers, Appletalk to the Macs and TCP/IP for the /_rest. /_ /_Is the printer hanging off of the server, or the network? /_Steve /_ The printers are all HP's. Here is the problem: I am in this office on a short consulting stint; the IT guy is of little help. Not because he doesn't want to be, but because of his limited skillset. I tried doing tcp/ip to the printer(s), no luck. I was in need of an upgrade on my notebook (such an old install), so that I now have all of the ncpfs tools working. I can do a slist, etc etc. But the minute I try to do something that requires authentication, I get a permission denied error. He (it guy) says it works fine for him, I say I get an authentication error. I am frustrated. Is there anyway to sniff ipx? Maybe I can see whether my username and/or password is getting sent incorrectly. -Mike