Craig, I had already stopped the mail server before sending the last post to the list. Also I am not wanting to run a mail server right now because I don't need one and I don't know how to keep it secure. Maybe later I will but after I learn more about them. I would like to run a web server off this box soon though. As far as the messages as to why the e-mails are refused I have read most of them as they come through and it is either because the address they are being sent to doesn't exist or because the destination host or computer detected a virus or possible virus being sent with the e-mail. The reason I posted my questions is because I have not had any problems with e-mails until I started using my Linux box so I was trying to find out if somehow I didn't have it locked down right or it had gotten hacked and was being used to send these. I have also disabled the automagical send e-mail yesterday in outlook and that did not stop the bad e-mails from being sent last night. I am waiting to see if stopping the mail server has stopped them but don't feel I can be sure until I give it some time. Anyway, I appreciate the response from you and I even took your advice and installed the antivirus software so don't think I am not paying attention to what is posted. Later, Cliff