You make mention of the phrase "dir entries". How does this (if at all) correlate to a possible maximum number of files in a directory as opposed to (sub)directories? On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 12:43:58PM -0700, technomage wrote: /_well, /_I can answer a few of these at least... /_ /_On Monday 02 December 2002 10:18 am, you wrote: /_> I have a customer that is currently using a shopping /_> cart which utilizes the file system as a database. /_> He has one directory which contains thousands of /_> small files (one per customer). /_> /_> In an effort to persuade him to move the system to /_> a SQL server, can anyone offer me some numbers as to /_> the limits on files in a directory? /_> /_> Are these OS dependent, or more specifically filesystem /_> dependent? /_> /_> For instance, are there differant values for: /_> /_> msdos /_file limits: 255 dir entries and max disk size of 500 MB (fat 16 old model) /_ /_> fat32 /_supports up to a 50 GB drive in single partition mode. max file size < 2gb. /_unknown on max dir entries. /_ /_> ntfs /_very inefficient for small files (under 64 k) as cluster sizes are large (64 /_kbytes/cluster). unknown on max disk size supported or max dir entries. /_ /_> ext2 /_2 gb max file size, unknown of number of dir entries or max disk size. /_> ext3 /_still finding out /_ /_> reiserfs /_ /_well, thats some of what I know. /_ /_Technomage /_ /_--- /_I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or /_numbered! /_My life is my own - No. 6 /_--------------------------------------------------- /_PLUG-discuss mailing list - /_To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: /_