On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 10:48:52AM -0700, Bruner, Andrew wrote: /_I was wondering if you guys could help me with a problem I'm having. /_I recently setup a Hylafax server where my users print to a samba printer /_and hylafax faxes the print job. Let me give you the info on the box. It's a /_compaq 133 running Red Hat 8.0, Samba 2.2.5 and the latest Hylafax rpm. /_ /_The problem is Samba will work fine for a little bit then it stops, but smbd /_& nmbd are still running. You can click on it in Network Neighborhood and it /_says the "service is not started". It also takes telnet with it!? /_I've checked /var/log/messages and nothing jumps out as the culprit. /_I've checked the logs in /var/log/samba and I don't really see the anything /_there either. /_Anyone have any ideas? /_Thanks /_-Andrew Perhaps something getting automagically dumped into /etc/hosts.deny ?