Have a look at http://www.linuxprinting.org/ On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 18:40, Kurt Granroth wrote: > I want to get a multi-function printer with the following features: > * laser printing > * flatbed scanning > * copy without PC > * fax without PC > > Furthermore, I would like both the printer and scanner to work under Linux > (the printer MUST the scanner would be nice). > > I know that the HP 3330 (and related 3300 series) fulfill all of those > criteria just fine. But there is one last requirement: > > * must be under $500 > > Oops.. even refurbished 3330s are around $600. > > So, does anybody know of a comparable device that fits ALL of my criteria? -- David IS Mandala gpg fingerprint 8932 E7EF CCF5 1B8C 1B5C A92E C678 795E 45B2 D952 Phoenix, AZ (480) 460-7546 HP, (602) 321-8277 CP http://www.them.com/~davidm/