Liberty> ... before doing a 'cvs commit' is to do Liberty> 'cvs update' Yes, I always do that. Liberty> Even though I try to follow some basic steps Liberty> before doing a cvs commit, i too realize Liberty> that I've just screwed up ... That's the problem. Mistakes happen. All men are bozos from time to time. Liberty> at my vim editor and the list of files cvs Liberty> is about to commit. I use the ':q!' command Liberty> from within vim, and cvs gives me a prompt Liberty> asking if i which to abort, commit with Liberty> empty log message, or continue. By choosing Liberty> abort, I safely avoid the commit process. That's exactly the answer I was looking for! I didn't realize CVS was smart enough to be triggered by an empty log. I'll pass that information on to my colleagues. Liberty> You may get different results depending on Liberty> your cvs client version and your version of Liberty> vim. ... The CVS is the latest (I installed it from source), and it's generic vi, not vim. (Older BSD/OS system.) I have every reason to believe it will work as you describe. Thanks very much. -- Lynn David Newton Phoenix, AZ