Aaron, Years ago, before object-oriented programming, we had something called "Structured Code". Some called it procedural code. Actually, it was a re-introduction of techniques we used in machine language days because we couldn't survive without them. The rules were very simple: Lots of small routines (we called them subroutines) doing only one thing (well... maybe a few things). No routine was to be more than 25 lines (yea right). (our CRTs displayed 25 lines) Actually, object-oriented code tends to encourage structured cods. It's just that the "sub routines" are attached to objects. Look for old books about the structured programming revolution by Ed Yourdon, Tom DeMarco, Larry Constantine, or Chris Gane and Trish Sarson. My training was from the Yourdon school. Therefore, I'm more familiar with Ed Yourdon's writings. But, I understand the others are equally good. Hope this helps -----Original Message----- From: "Aaron Cordova" To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us Subject: C++ and programming Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2003 11:17:39 +0000 Reply-To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us I switched from M$ Windows to linux thinking I would sorta be forced to learn more programming. I have had two college classed in C++ but I have yet to learn how to really "Code" not once in either classes was any serious application programming taught. I need to learn to program desperately. But trying to sit down and page through code is very very boring. When I'm debugging I can spend hours in front of the terminal, same with trying to hack one of my friends programs. But whenever I try to hack/figure out, a complex app I get frustrated because right off the bat the code gets very advanced or is commented in a way only a guru would understand. I have read a few c++ books but they are almost all the same, covering the same thing over and over. Can someone recomend a book or a method to help me to break out of newbie code? I would greatly appreciate it.