\_ SMTP quoth Bill Warner on 1/8/2003 10:18 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 16:39, David A. Sinck wrote: \_ > \_ I purchased a Gforce4 ti 4400 about two months ago and its windowing \_ > \_ performance seems to be horrible. Dragging windows around s \_ > extreamely \_ > \_ jerky. Especially wmms. I am useing the latest nvidia drivers \_ > \_ (4191). \_ > \_ > Bing. Loser. Back off a revision of the nvidia drivers. \_ > freenode.net/#nvidia says r4191 has 2d issues. \_ > \_ got it, It is not sooooo bad that I can't just wait for the next one. \_ I read through the link that David S. sent and got some good \_ information. It seems that some people have got it to work fine after \_ running glxinfo, as if the driver isn't enabling 2d acceleration until \_ the glx module is accessed. I will give this a try tonight when I get \_ home and see how it works out. Ooo ooo. Let me know if glxinfo fixes it...then I'll bother to upgrade. Right now I'm sitting tight and waiting for the next release. David