On Sunday 19 January 2003 10:26, Craig White wrote: > thanks...that's a start. > > It seems to me that if linux were well known, I wouldn't have to go > through this. The truth is, that it is a great unknown to them...I buil= t > a Shuttle S40G and put a pretty much raw RH 8.0 (save for the changes > necessary to make it work with the Sis built-in video and adding a > linux=3Dbiosirq command) and dropped it in their office to open Word/Ex= cel > documents, internet, email and it printed to their Toshiba Copier. So i= t > isn't well known to them but they did notice that it worked and it > worked well and it pretty much looked like Windows...not that I conside= r > that a selling point. It did pretty much pass the first test and that > was is it a computer that I can figure out how to use. (a 3 button mous= e > is going to confuse the crap out of any Macintosh user, regardless of > whether it is linux or Windows). > > As for licensing...didn't I beat that drum enough? I was just trying to word it in such a way that the idea of using Linux w= as=20 not questioned by pointing to Windows as a fall back in case Linux fails. > BUT... > > The one objection I have heard thus far is the lack of resources for > linux...typical windows users doesn't see linux applications on the > shelf at CompUSA etc. and don't see the vast amount of support people a= s > they see for Windows. Thus, I really should add a section for linux > except that it brings them to a resources...I think I have covered the > software issue but the support issue is worrisome to him (the board > president). The expressed fear is that if I fall out of the picture, ho= w > will they manage? They don't see much Linux software on the shelf because most of it is Fre= e on=20 the web. I know, that is a hard sell sometimes. I have experienced it f= irst=20 hand when someone looks at me with a straight face and says "If it's free= , it=20 must be junk," literally. (This was expressed in a discussion on=20 implementing CVS!) The community network of support in the Free Software= =20 culture is hard for people outside to understand. > So, who else can I point to as support resources besides RedHat? I > suppose that Compaq (actually HP now, or Dell or IBM or whoever I get > the server hardware from) will support linux if I get it 'pre-installed= ' > on the server...not that I see much in value of having them pre-install > linux on a server. Who else can I list as support resources? -Ask around PLUG. I am sure several people, like Bill Lindley and others= ,=20 would be happy to be listed as possible support service people for your=20 client. -Point to PLUG resouses. Show them the calendar where professional=20 presentations are made. Show them the email list archives where question= s=20 are solved and answered and no cost. > lastly, > > I have been working hard on learning the details of X windows stuff and > trying to be cautious about staying with the open source stuff if at al= l > possible. I really prefer Acrobat Reader to the open source PDF program= s > and that's why I've been trying to figure stuff out without installing > things such as realplayer & flash. I am trying to reconcile the free > Flash/Acrobat Reader/RealPlayer versus any available open source > counter-offering. The way I figger things, the open source stuff is goo= d > enough for me to use and thereby, good enough for them to use. As a > non-profit, every penny that they spend is a penny that isn't available > to help their clients. They are in it for the long haul. Very good. I am will read more of your document later today. Alan