Am 19. Jan, 2003 schw=E4tzte Craig White so: > It seems to me that if linux were well known, I wouldn't have to go > through this. The truth is, that it is a great unknown to them...I built > a Shuttle S40G and put a pretty much raw RH 8.0 (save for the changes > necessary to make it work with the Sis built-in video and adding a > linux=3Dbiosirq command) and dropped it in their office to open Word/Exce= l > documents, internet, email and it printed to their Toshiba Copier. So it > isn't well known to them but they did notice that it worked and it If that was a success with them, list it. > worked well and it pretty much looked like Windows...not that I consider > that a selling point. It did pretty much pass the first test and that > was is it a computer that I can figure out how to use. (a 3 button mouse > is going to confuse the crap out of any Macintosh user, regardless of > whether it is linux or Windows). > > As for licensing...didn't I beat that drum enough? > > BUT... > > The one objection I have heard thus far is the lack of resources for > linux...typical windows users doesn't see linux applications on the Point out how many CDs SuSE and Debian dists come on. Point out the number of packages available for the various dists. > shelf at CompUSA etc. and don't see the vast amount of support people as > they see for Windows. Thus, I really should add a section for linux > except that it brings them to a resources...I think I have covered the > software issue but the support issue is worrisome to him (the board > president). The expressed fear is that if I fall out of the picture, how > will they manage? > > So, who else can I point to as support resources besides RedHat? I > suppose that Compaq (actually HP now, or Dell or IBM or whoever I get > the server hardware from) will support linux if I get it 'pre-installed' > on the server...not that I see much in value of having them pre-install > linux on a server. Who else can I list as support resources? We have many people in the group. Also point out AZIPA, AZPHP and other groups other than PLUG where they will be able to find support resources. Don't forget to mention Curtis and Scott from Red Hat ( support group ) liv= e in Flagstaff :). ciao, der.hans --=20 # # To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we # are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic # and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. # -- Theodore Roosevelt, 1918