I have sent the 3 parts of the proposal on to the board president. I want to thank Hans, David, Alan and everyone else for their help and listening to my frustration. I think the proposal that I sent was very good and I have continued to add to it and clarify it - even though I have already sent it out because I want to keep it breathing in case someone else can make use of it. The theme is repetitive...many of you were discussing it today with respect to the Arizona Green party. Virtually everything that I had in the proposal was equally true for the Arizona Greens. Non-profit agencies should all be ramping up to open source/free software - period - end of story. I added a section for support resources - admittedly this was weak but I will continue to improve on it. I really would love to see PLUG get out in front with a 'registry' of people willing to provide support for this stuff, for pay or for free... Craig