I run IceWM. When ntpdate syncs the system, the clock on the taskbar pauses until the system catches up to that time and then just keeps going from there. I don't do anything special to recover it. > Scott - thank you so much for that!! Saved me who knows how much time! > Now, I'm running ICEWM and it ended up stopping the taskbar stuff. I did > a restart via icepref, is there another way that I can add a restart to > the window manager? Or maybe I'll just schedule it for oh-dark-hundred > and it'll be taken care of when I log back in. >> Here is the script that I use nightly. >> >> #!/bin/sh >> echo "Current date and time: `date`" >> timehosts=ntp2.usno.navy.mil >> if /usr/sbin/ntpdate -ub $timehosts > /dev/null; then >> /sbin/hwclock --systohc >> echo "Updated date and time: `date`" >> fi >>> I'd like to sync my PC's to at least one of my boxes on our local >>> network. In order to keep track, I was thinking of setting up my main >>> box to run a montly cron job to get the time from a stratum 2 server. >>> Does this sound like a reasonable thing to do? How have some of the >>> other list members done it?