On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 09:49:47AM -0500, Elburn@aol.com wrote: /_A friend of mine has an application where he needs to do a mail merge. The /_kicker is that each letter must have a diff signature based on the contents /_of a merge field. The signature is a graphic file and there are over a /_thousand of them. /_ /_He may be willing to pay a consulting fee. At this time he is using WINDOWS /_this could be a good time to start him on linux if Wordstar will do this, he /_has been unable to do it using MSWORD, however if wordstar can't do it but /_you know how to do it in word would still want to talk to you. /_ Seems to me that the best way to tackle this is in baby steps. Stuff the information in a database (e.g MySQL, PostgreSQL) and then just link up via odbc. MS Word does a fairly decent job on mail merges. Here's the kicker: You need a database server :-) I would plop a low end box in his home/office with MySQL/Apache/PHP installed. Install something like phpmyadmin so as he can admin/manage any databases he/she may create. Maybe I'm all wet here, but anytime you have "over a thousand" of something, you can't go wrong stuffing that something into a database in order to manage it better. I'd like to see this thread remain on the list as I think it is important everyone has the opportunity to contribute/listen to solutions to everyday problems/applications. v/r -Mike