Am 12. Mar, 2003 schw=E4tzte Jeremy C. Reed so: > I guess the distinction is not whether it is really commercial or not, bu= t > if an end-product became entirely proprietary. Any examples? A couple of switch vendors, e.g. Juniper, use *BSD as their base with proprietary drivers for their hardware. There's also OS X. There have been at least a few embedded products that were based on proprietary *BSD releases. Probably most of them died in the last couple of years. > Anyways, where is the detailed list of technologies (intellectual > property) that was used? > > I would like to compare with the old 4.4BSD-Lite which I still look at. Are the *BSD systems subject to the same claims? ciao, der.hans --=20 # # Freedom isn't everything, but without freedom you have nothing. - der.ha= ns