Am 12. Mar, 2003 schw=E4tzte Jeremy C. Reed so: > My point was that a lot of non-BSD code is "commercial" too. Ooops, sorry. That's true. I'm not opposed to "commercial". I'm opposed to non-Free. If someone can legally commercialize Free Software and make a living using Free Software, then I think that's awesome. I understand, however, that some people might not care about their freedoms= =2E That's their issue. As long as communication and data transfers are done with free, open data formats everyone gets to use what they want. I wish to use software that is and stays free ( as in speech, cost is far less relevant ). > There were already BSD and UNIX lawsuits in early 1990's. Yes. They were insane then. Now they go beyond reasonable insanity. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # The Internet is the front line of the battle # to protect our freedom. -- Nathaniel Borenstein