On Tuesday April 1 2003 06:57, plug-discuss-request@lists.plug.phoenix.az= =2Eus=20 wrote:=20 Re: CDR and RedCrap 8 *v*I finally got the CDR to work - felt like a poodle in a freaking circu= s *v*jumping through flaming hoops. That's the price we pay for "ease of us= e" *v*- which is probably pretty even across the board for the major distro'= s *v*- the pros/cons reviews I've seen leave none of them clearly ahead of *v*the pack.=20 *v* *v*Cheers, *v*Mike *v* Mike,=20 How did you resolve your problem? I'm in the middle of adding a cdr and a= new=20 hd to my RH 8.0 and I'm a newbie so I'd like to know what to avoid or how= to=20 fix any problems if and when they may arise. --=20 Augie Grayfox augie@grayfox.net "When things go wrong, don't go with them" - Anonymous