Hello all: Some of you may have noticed that I've done a lot of postings about problems with a system which I'd upgraded with a high-end Soyo motherboard. These problems included: 1. Installing the SCSI driver would hang the system, whether during install or manual loading of the module. 2. No version of Mandrake I could get to install would communicate to any other machine via any NIC. 3. Red Hat 8 and 9 both had a nasty habit of freezing when the screen saver was on. The logs would show a series of "Dazed and confused" messages. I thought I'd let you know that I solved at least the first two problems (haven't checked #3 yet), more or less by accident.  I was checking the system BIOS, and, at a whim, I disabled APIC support (I wasn't even sure what that was at the time.  I know now that it's an extended version of PCI interrupt support, but I wonder why it was hosing the system so badly.) I then reinstalled Mandrake 9.1, and everything worked!  I'm ecstatic, but what an incredible pain it was finding the cause. I now think I was unjustly accusing my old Initio SCSI board - I bought a new AP10 card, which kudzu at first didn't see until I realized I had to run the board's configuration utility. At this point, the AP-10 ALSO hung the Mandrake install - at least until I changed the APIC setting. I suppose I could return the new SCSI card to Fry's and get my $50 back but, NFW. It works and I'm not opening that case up again unless I hear chipmunks running around in there. Anyway, I thought I'd let you all know in case some hapless soul out there encounters the same problem I did. Vaughn