Whoops, sorry about the previous message; I wasn't finished editing it. This law is vague and stupid. For one thing, I'm an electrical engineer working in the semiconductor field. WTF does that have to do with land surveying? In the third sentence, it refers to seeking registration as a "professional engineer". What exactly does this mean? I'm an engineer, and that's my profession, but I don't seek registration for it. But "professional engineer" (usually capitalized) usually refers to one who has state-granted professional licensure. The only part of this law which is really questionable is the first sentence refering to a person desiring to practice "engineering" (which sure is a broad term compared to the others there, like assaying, geology, and home inspection). Does this mean that all people who work as engineers must apply for registration? So if the state of AZ wants to enforce this law, they better start by shutting down Intel, Motorola, Honeywell, and Boeing!!! Because tens of thousands of engineers are employed at those companies here in Phoenix! And they're certainly not interested in paying a tax to the state and taking a test on power generation equipment. Licensing engineers is just not useful for people who sit in cubes all day writing VHDL code. >Message: 6 >Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 07:22:33 -0700 (MST) >From: William Lindley >Subject: Re: Is there anything we can do as a group about SCO ? > >Yes, Arizona does restrict who can practice engineering! >from >http://www.azleg.state.az.us/FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/ars/32/00123.htm&Title=32&DocType=ARS > >Arizona Revised Statues >32-123. Application for registration and certification > >(L00, ch 86, sec. 7) > >A. A person desiring to practice architecture, assaying, >engineering, geology, home inspection, landscape architecture >or land surveying shall make application for registration or >certification on a form prescribed by the board, subscribed >under oath and accompanied by the application fee. If the >evidence submitted satisfies the board that the applicant is >fully qualified, under section 32-122.01, 32-122.02 or 32-126, >to practice the profession for which registration or >certification is asked, it shall give the applicant a >certificate of registration or certification, signed by >the chairman and secretary and attested by the official seal. >If the applicant seeks registration as a professional >engineer, the certificate of registration shall list the >proficiency designation in the branch of engineering in which >the applicant has demonstrated proficiency. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. http://search.yahoo.com