I'm posting my solution so it will end up in the archives. This setup only SENDS mail, like I wanted. Ran `eximconfig` and selected option #2 "Internet site using smarthost". Accepted default (hostname) for 'visible' mail name. Selected 'none' for: "other domains", "relay for other domains", and "relay for other networks". Set smarthost to 'smtp.west.cox.net'. Redirected root & postmaster to a user account. Accepted default for "/etc/aliases file". After `eximconfig` completed, I edited the /etc/exim/exim.conf file. I set 'primary_hostname' to an empty string and changed 'qualify_domain' to "cox.net". primary_hostname = qualify_domain = cox.net I can now send e-mail to the internet, but I still had a "reply to" addressing problem. To fix that I added to .muttrc: my_hdr From: Bart Garst Thanks to Kurt & Jeremy for your help. Bart