Am 06. Jun, 2003 schw=E4tzte Vaughn Treude so: > Does any of this matter, even if we (the Linux community) are totally rig= ht, > as I (and most all of us) believe we are . . .? > > All SCO has to do is drag this out long enough to cost the remaining viab= le > Linux vendors (except, of course, IBM) enough to put them out of busines= s. > The so-called "wheels of justice" turn very slowly. Martha Stewart is j= ust > now being indicted for her alleged insider trading deal. Bishop O'Brien = is > just now cutting a deal about the priestly sex scandals. So what if SCO'= s > suit is groundless? Unless IBM cuts a deal with them, or someone pressur= es > SCO to drop the suit, Tux could be a casualty. Here's where Germany comes to our rescue :). Provided LinuxTag e.V. continues pursueing SCO in the German court system, we should have answers or SCO will have to shut up. ( English at the bottom ) LinuxTag e.V. is also primary sponsor for Knoppix. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # Practice socially consious hedonism. Do whatever you want, # as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. - der.hans