Here's a puzzle: Say you need to get an X session using XDMCP over a VPN. However, that VPN only has Windows client. You are using Exceed and that works but you would prefer to use Linux (or OS X) with a "real" X setup. But see above: the VPN *requires* Windows to run. So you investigate the "Internet Connection Sharing" that comes with Win98SE thinking that you could just do a 'route add -net' pointing to the Windows computer.. but it doesn't work that way since the ICS works using DHCP and you like your Linux box's current IP address just fine, thank you very much. But with that, you are somewhat stuck! Or at least, *I* am stuck. Can anybody think of a way that I can do some sort of redirection or port forwarding on my Windows box that would allow me to access the VPN from Linux? Kurt