> Well, better to know you're SOL than to wander around with false hope. > Sounds to me like a bug all dressed up with nowhere to go. > --Phil M. Well, it may be a bug from your point of view, but it's actually intended behaviour on the part of the TCP/IP stack. In general, when a client service establishes an IP connection, and has not been told to use a specific local IP, it will choose the most efficient if one exists. Otherwise will generally choose the "main" IP for the machine. Though I've seen some stacks that seemingly choose at random. The "bug" if you want to call it that, is that the folks who wrote that function call in PHP don't let you specify the IP address to bind to, or provide the "parent" address as a parameter to the stack. Michael J. Sheldon http://www.desertraven.com/ Make a fast friend, adopt a greyhound!