Debian is absultly wonderful after the peripherals have been set up. It is much better than anything else I have have played with (though I have not played with slack). SO Debian install= pain in the ass knoppix frontend for debian install= easy debian after setup= great Thanasis Kinias wrote: > scripsit David Mandala: > >>My point exactly, Knoppix is far more friendly, and detects far more >>hardware correctly, that said it suffers from the same problems as >>Debian, since it is Debian. Once you go past the good features of >>Knoppix you are back in Debian hell. Debian is just not user friendly. > > > and earlier: > > >>Debian is on of the hardest versions of Linux to get correctly installed >>and configured. > > > My question, though, was what about Debian makes it hard to use _after_ > it is installed and configured. Assume (for the sake of argument) that > a jinni does the installation for you and does your XF86Config-4... >