Although slightly OT, hopefully an easy one: I am trying to get OpenLDAP up & running on an OpenBSD 3.3 box. Without logging occuring, I am having a hard time diagnosing my problems. I have placed 'loglevel 128' in my slapd.conf file; which has worked well on my debian box. However, after restarting slapd, nada. So I went into syslog.conf and placed a line like this: *.* /var/log/syslog Again, restarted, yet nada. I must admit I have never monkeyed around with syslog, but I do not know what else to look at. The real problem is trying to port an existing ldif from my debian over to this box....slapd appears to be running, but I can not run ldapadd without what appears to be authentication issues. any bones?